Repairs& Conversions
Our 45 years of experience in repairs has allowed us to excel in both repairs and conversions. Our professional and dedicated team mediates between shipyards and shipowners to ensure that ships remain at optimal efficiency, ultimately reducing costs and improving turnaround time. Our repairs department has a dependable and extensive network of suppliers for spare parts, as well as partners in over 140 shipyards around the globe who perform high-standard professional repairs. Thanks to advanced technology, our multilingual teams are in constant contact with our partnering engineers and repair companies so that we can update and advise our clients on the repair progress.
With respect to conversions, in recent years we have taken on several challenging projects that have proven very lucrative for owners. These conversions have provided excellent solutions for shipowners who want to repurpose their vessels and avoid the need to buy other ships. Each project is studied closely and the mission of each vessel to be converted is carefully investigated beforehand.
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